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3/4″ Bore Go Kart Clutch Centrifugal Clutch Pulley Drive Compatible with GoKart Mini Bike 1/2″ AB Style Belt
SKU LHQ.08772 HX3379 Category Tags ,

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Band New 3/4″ bore Centrifugal Clutch With Pulley Compatible Belt: 1/2″ AB Style Belt For Carter Go Karts (Some) and Mini Bikes, Wood Chippers Etc, With Engines Up to 6.5HP Many DIY mechanics and garage project builders prefer the belt-drive over the more temperamental chain-drive system. It is important to have the correct gear ratio for the tire size for proper operation of your clutch or torque converter. A improper gear ratio will make the clutch or belt slip and cause damage to the unit very quickly. You are purchasing a brand new 3/4″ bore pulley centrifugal clutch This clutch is used primarily on Mini Bikes and Go Karts but can be also used for other application Description: 100% Brand new, Never been used.Compatible Belt: 1/2″ AB style beltBore Size: 3/4″Key Way: 3/16″Professional Installation is H

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