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#35 Chain – 18 Tooth Jackshaft Sprocket with a 5/8″ Bore for Go-Karts & Mini Bikes
SKU LL.11294 N83-9103 Category Tag

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18 Tooth Jackshaft Sprocket with a 5/8″ Bore.

Two set screws to hold it tight to the axle shaft.
A jackshaft or motor sprocket is a very important part of your drive system. This #35 chain – 18 tooth jackshaft sprocket with a 5/8″ bore for go-karts and mini bikes includes two set screws and a 3/16″ keyway slot.
Diameter: 2-3/8″
Bore: 5/8″
Keyway slot: 3/16″
Depth: 25/32″
Tooth count: 18

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